I've been getting back into drawing recently. Before that,I went through a period where I just lost the passion to draw,because all I do is draw at work. Don't get me wrong,I enjoy my job(prop designer at AKA Cartoon in Vancouver. Awesome place to work.),but when you draw all day,it can sometimes tire you out. Slowly though,my interest in designing my own stuff has come back...
One of the things that sparked my interest was this site...
http://characterdesign.blogspot.com/and this site...
http://www.drawn.ca/alot of cool stuff there in those sites,so check those links out if you haven't already...
anyways,I'm trying my best to stop being lazy and scan in some sketches on a consistent basis. My new years resolution for 2005 was to draw more women...but I didn't. So this years resolution,99% of my sketches will be of women(I'll try).
Also,I just started going back to life drawing,so if I can,I'll post some of that stuff too. As long as it's not too embarassing.
Peace all