Sunday, April 20, 2008


Yo peeps...

First of all, congrats to Edison Yan regarding his new situation in will be missed at the meets for sure dude...Take care and have fun!

Next,I am eating peanut butter...

Next,I just finished kenpo x and ab ripper from the p90x workout,it was tiring cuz i am lazy today,but it is good...

Next,Congrats to GSP and Rich "Ace" Franklin...Awesome fights yo! Rich's escape from that armbar was unbelievable adn GSP's knees to Serra's ribs were bonecrushing...

Next,I saw a gay guy with hair like a horses mane at the new Jackie Chan Jet Li Movie...and I am officially in love with the girl called "Sparrow" from the movie...

Next,thanks to Wei Li for telling me my jaw looks chiseled,and for writing the thought bubble for my drawing from this weeks sketch meet...

Next,Sunny,I noticed your art is getting better,the heads you been doing recently are a big jump in goodness...

and my fave song of the moment is,"Love in this Club" by Usher and Young Jeezy...AYYYYYYYYY!

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