Sunday, November 05, 2006

yo yo yo,

met up with the sketchgroup today. Did a bit of are the results...the sketch is a work in progress that I'm gonna clean and paint. I think it will go towards the book project I'm working towards.

Anyways,nothing much is new...
my favorite podcast...check it out


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. You make me sick!!... and what are you doing working on personal stuff? Get to work! Muhahahaha

    what a way to cheer you on, eh? Anyway, I'm glad I have a life drawing buddy! :) Your life drawings a looking awesome... I may have to steel that Force book from you! Keep up the good work! It's inspiring!

  3. good stuff Rjohn! sketchgroups are awesome to maintain ur skills n the social aspect of an artist's life.

  4. great stuffs man, digging your lines.

  5. hey all,thanks so much for the comments. I got more drawings,and when I get the chance,I'll post...probably today...

    Hey Ro,thanks,I'm glad I have a life drawing buddy too. Let's keep going.

    Hey Abe,yeah,sketchgroups keep me loose and fill me with new ideas...

    Hey crylic,thanks man,I owe the line work to my stint as a 2d prop designer. If it didn't look ok,I couldn't get the drawing approved(sometimes it took weeks). So my linework improved greatly.

    later...and peace

  6. hey dude, great stuff!

    secondly, id love to have you on board this show , for sure! the first show im doing is called fourty, its a show where 40 artists paint on 40 oz malt liquor bottles, that seems to be everyones favorite one. im still unsure of the date, but i got the venue set up, so ill contact you sometime this week, alright? thanks for taking interrest!
