Sunday, January 29, 2006

I didn't break my resolution

I didn't break my new years resolution of just drawing mostly women this year...
these guy sketches were done before the new year,and the girl in the middle done last night.
I'm gonna try to get some more full body characters in soon.


  1. hi ! i already commented on your sketches on the flight forum, but i`ll say it again here - they look very good :)

  2. hey there:

    i'm having flashbacks viewing the lineup of suspects here. ;) i can see sargent and colby, even though that's not what you intended, i'm sure. again, it might just be my own psychosis talking here. no harris tho; he would stand out.

    i have the opposite inclination: i tend to draw women, very audrey hepburn like women. but have had fun doing hags and more kitsch too. hence, madame coco, remember her?
