Saturday, August 18, 2007


update y'all

still got work to do here...gonna keep tweaking and cleaning,but it's coming along...also,gonna start the body tomorrow...gonna be cool...

laters y'alls
oh yeah,
found this cool show that you can watch on youtube...its called ghost hunters...I know it's been around for a bit,but I just found a way to watch the episodes,so I'm watching and listening to that as I stuff...check it out.
see ya

Monday, August 13, 2007

R.I.P Mike Wieringo...

Sad day in the comics world...Mike Wieringo passed away at the age of 44. He was always on
giving comments and encouragement. He seemed like a really great person,and is an awesome artist. I'm shocked and saddened by the news of his passing. He'll really be missed.

Hope you're in a better place now Mike...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

am I keeping this up?

I guess so...more to come...I've been really getting back into street fighter lately(thanks Chris...and the ambiguous horsebeast)so here's some more sketches...and a few that I cleaned up with a bic...

later y'all

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

wow,another update?

Hi everybody...

Anyways,here is another update...stuff from my anatomy class. My teacher was really nice and a good teacher too...go check his stuff out figurative artist...

see ya

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Yo everyone...
updating with some sketches from me sketchbook...not very well put together,but there it is...just wanted to put something up...


bbo bbo yobs!

Monday, August 06, 2007


finished for tonight...gonna work on it more this week...

More to come...

I always feel guilty when I post here,cuz the last time I post is always a long way back...anyways,I've been busy doing alot of art lately...gotta get myself motivated to take pics and post em...but,I do have something I wanna post that I've been learning lately. I've finally buckled down and forced myself to learn to model in maya. I always say I'll do it,but then put it off...anyways,I'm starting with a's my first real attempt at a decent head...just a work in progress...more updates to come...


Saturday, June 30, 2007

Sketchgroup pics...

Played with watercolors today...and the top pic is somewhat of a self-portrait...Gorrillaesque...

Well well well...part 2 baby!

Yo my peeps(I know there are a few of you out there)it's been a while since I've updated this blog of mine...Anyways,I've been busy lately and the reason I don't post so much anymore is cuz I got lazy. I didn't want to scan stuff in...fortunately,I found a good solution...I'm taking pics of the art now,and it's much easier to get on this blog.

Anyways,I still love Keith and The go and check that out...I don't care if there are people out there who think I just mention Keith and The Girl to get hits...I aint makin any cash from my blog yo,I'm just promoting my one of my favorite if you got a problem with that,thats on you...

Anyways,along with this entry,some recent art from anatomy class...


Monday, March 26, 2007

well well well

You know what I can't understand?
People that wear sunglasses at night. You look kind of ridiculous...stop it. Well maybe some cute girls can pull it off,so for you girls,carry on.

anyways,here's some stuff from my portrait class...still working on getting better...
peace y'all

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Did a Frankenstein pic for the Drizzledome at forums...


Thursday, February 22, 2007


illustration for illustration friday's topic gravity...

tonights speedpaint. I'm still trying to be more efficient and economic with my strokes. I still need alot of work. Still trying to figure things out...anyways,couldn't do speedpaints the last little while cuz I've been busy with work and my new anatomy class. I'm learning at basic inquiry from Justin Ogilvie...very talented artist and teacher and really nice guys. If you are in Vancouver Canada,and you want to improve your grasp of anatomy or portraiture,go see him. Check his website at...

Finally,Brumski...Wanna know what that means? Go check out keith and the girl...

have a good night y'all

Monday, February 19, 2007

speedpaint for this morning...this girl was pretty and she's ugly and looks a bit asian.
Oh well. Anyways,I'm gonna continue with this 30min speedpainting for a while,then maybe do some 1 hours in the future. If any of you have any tips,crits,feel free e-mail or leave a comment.

peace y'all

fave podcast...
keith and the girl

ughhh...tried some 30 min speedpaints far...terrible,but I'll work on it...

anyways,here they are...I'm gonna try to do another one just to make up for this crap if I don't pass out first...


whats that? My favorite podcast...

find it at...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

yo yo yo,

here's the speedpaint for today,and a little of the life drawing I've been doing lately. The speedpaint,I'm happier with...It's still not that chunky style that I want,but it's alot better than my previous least I think so. Anyways...check it...

speaking of check...check out the best podcast there is...
I was listening to the latest episode where keith,chemda,and the bunch went to some food tasting thing...funny I also learned that if you're going to NY,and you wanna go for italian,avoid little italy...hehe,thats where I would have went first for italian...


Saturday, February 17, 2007

speedpaint for tonight...finished early...I'm getting used to painting on my tablet...It's such a change from doing art on my cintiq at work...I guess its good practice though. I'll try to do a paint at work to see if theres any difference. Anyways,I'm getting happier with painting,but I'm realizing that my pallette sucks...oh well,I'll work on that...

anyways,go check out the keith and the girl podcast...the episode...spooky is a hoohah...hilarious...almost up to 500 episodes and still going strong. That's gotta tell you something.

Check the show out,buy some of their swag...I got a few hoodies and the baseball shirt with the green sleeves...that ones my fave...

Friday, February 16, 2007

just finished this speedpaint...1 hour. tried some new brushes...still not there,but I'm happier with this one...also did life drawing tonight...gonna post those tomorrow maybe...

go to
you have no idea what you're missing out on...the stuff is listen,I was hooked.

later y'all

Thursday, February 15, 2007

speedpaint from yesterday...didn't post yesterday cuz my internet wasn't working....anyways,here it is...I'm trying to do the same pic as the day before...I'll try it again tonight if I can...

anyways....peace y'all

you ever watch Lost,it was cool last night...not the best I've seen,but better than the one before...hopefully it gets crazier...

Finally,regarding Keith and the Girl. I recently got a post asking how many hits I get on my blog from Keith and the Girl. I'm not sure,I don't really know how to check that. I'm not sure if the guy was just curious or wondering if I was doing something shady. I'm definitely not doing anything shady. I'm just a fan of the podcast,and I think they deserve as many fans as they can get.

I could care less if my blog becomes famous. Its just a record of my progress as an artist. I don't even put my good work on this blog...just my experiments...I don't know what else to say,except,I'm still gonna promote Keith and the Girl. When I say,go check out keith and the girl,that's exactly what I mean.

go check out the podcast...


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

went a bit over on tonights speedpaint...hehe,it kills me that I went over...even though it was 1 min. When I set the 1 hour limit,I can't help but feel I gotta stick to that. Anyway,it was ok. I tried a new brush,not perfect,still gotta find the right brush.

So here it is...getting there slowly

anyways,this girl I know is now hooked on keith and the girl. I'm telling ya,you gotta give it a try...

later y'all

Monday, February 12, 2007

hehe,I turned a beautiful girl ugly with this peice...still I had fun and learned some stuff. One thing I learned,is that I gotta start making some custom brushes. Being lazy and using the default brushes is not working great. I try to do some this weekend...

Also,here are some sketches from the weekend with the sketchgroup...


I got a few friends to give keith and the girl a chance...and they liked what they what does that tell you? Go and get your katg fix yo! shout outs to Ro and Sunny(aka,baruka's agent),glad you gave katg a try...

Sunday, February 11, 2007

speedpaint for took just a tiny bit over and hour to do...a few seconds or so...hehe,I was keeping track. Anyways,I don't know...its ok,not the best,just kind of ok...

I met with the vancouver group some sketches done...I'll post them tomorrow if I get a chance to scan.

my favorite podcast?

find it at...

Uhhh,getting better...but still not there. I like working chunky,it's something I wanna develop if you're following my progress(probably not,hehe)then look forward to alot more chunkiness in the future. If you're wondering,I do use photoref for these speedpaints. They're just for practice...just doing em to get better...not for any profits...just straight education

Just give keith and the girl one listen. They're just really great'll get hooked.
find em

peace y'all

Saturday, February 10, 2007

another speedpaint...I rarely do any this feels like pretty much a first for me...
I don't know what to think about it...I just want to keep going and hopefully in the future,I can do cool landscapes like Sparth,Dylan Cole,Dusso etc...etc.

gonna try and keep doing speedpaints on a regular basis...

Ah well,I'm off to listen to some keith and the girl...
you can listen to...
just go to...


Friday, February 09, 2007

ughhh! I tried to do a bit too much for todays speedpaint. Ah well,what can you do! I did like that the stuff looks a bit chunkier...its something I wanna play with for future pieces.

anyways,thats about go listen to keith and the girl!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

speedpaint for today...again,I'm not happy with how it turned out,but thats the way it goes. I'm learning,so thats good.

lost my ipod nano yesterday...kind of sucks cuz I had my keith and the girl shows on it...I guess whoever finds the nano will get hooked on keith and the least something good came out of this situation...

check it out yourself...

also,saw the new episode of Lost last,but not as great as I expected. Maybe I expected more. I wasn't totally satisfied,but it was still good to see the show again.


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

speedpaint for this morning. The colors are crap,but stuff is getting easier. I'm still not happy with the outcomes,but it's getting better. I'm starting to look forward to these speedpaints. It loosens me up for my work.


What else is new? Oh,I was listening to keith and the girl today,and its hilarious. Check out the best of's,you'll enjoy it.

Find everything you need at...


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

speedpaint for today...

give keith and the girl a won't regret it...

Monday, February 05, 2007

speedpaint #2 done before work...kind of a warm up...

check out...


Sunday, February 04, 2007

did some life drawing today...still rusty...didn't look so great(gonna take some classes to help me remedy that)...also met up with the great vancouver group. Did this drawing...looking at my current issue of XXL for ref...

anyways,peace y'all

I'm off to listen to a bit of my favorite podcast...
keith and the girl
check it out,you won't regret it...


Saturday, February 03, 2007

Long year

Wow...long time no post. I went on a month break from drawing during the Christmas know how it is...too much stuff to do...couldn't do any art. Anyways,I be back...been doing art again slowly over the last month. Even now I still feel real rusty.

First art I'm posting in the new year...I'm trying something new...speedpainting. I really wanna get my speed up,especially for my work. This first piece is pretty much my first speed painting ever. It's harder than I thought. I'll try to keep it up though. Then I can look at my work in a years time,and hopefully see myself get progressively better. The piece is very crude and embarassingly bad,but I'm looking at it as a learning experience,so it's all good.

Two artists I recently started liking alot...

First is David
He was recently featured in the latest issue of ImagineFX(great magazine by the way)
His images are amazing. I can't really describe it,you'll have to go check it out for yourself.

Second,someone you probably already know...
Again,he's amazing,his landscapes are unbelievable. I'm working on getting as good as these guys,but it's gonna be a while.

That's about it...

Last,I'd like to promote my fave podcast again(I'm not being payed to say this,their show is just that good.)...Keith and the girl...

find them at...

later y'all